Here are all the details about Pomfret fish

Pomfret fish is one of the popular fish in the world market due to several reasons also Pomfret fish has a very high nutritional value This article will explain everything you need to know.

Pomfret fish is known as a crucial member of the family Bromidae. As a fish consumer, you should know that Bromidae members are useful when controlling the fat percentage in your body.

Also, the pomprets have got several tastes variations due to the types of Pomfrets they have grown up to.  Therefore, they can be used as a fish replacement due to the nutrition and taste variation-like factors. Those are not the only things you need to know about Pomfrets but many. This article will explain everything you need to know about Pomfret.


Appearance Of Pomfret

The average body length of a Pomfret is 3032cm. Although Pomfrets can be found in different names as well as adaptations under different circumstances, Pomfrets don’t grow up to 01 feet. The overall shape of all the Pomfret fish species is oval. They have got flat bodies which make them fast turners that can survive against predators. As a consumer, you might be looking for flatness as BBQ or frying purposes can be fulfilled using thinner fish bodies.

The body color of Pomfrets is one of the crucial things to change the name or the types. The silver color is the prominent one to detect for Silver Pomfret types. Since the Indian Pomfret fish is the most common as well as demanded Pomfret species in the world, the specimen color for a given Pomfret can be silver in anyone’s mind. Other than the silver color, black, gray, as well as white color bodies, can be observed.

The blunt nose has made their oval bodies in the end.  The upper part of the mouth has sunken into the lower part of the mouth of the fish. It allows the fish to maintain their predatory behavior on small fish types that has quick movements.

Also, they help Pomfrets to catch crustaceans that have longer and irregular body parts. When coming to the other features of the Pomfrets, the single dorsal fin, caudal fin with longer lobes, and extended longer caudal fins are crucial for the identification.

The flesh color of Pomfret is white, which has made a demanding one for the fishermen. The crispy taste, as well as the look, has been delivered by the whitish color. Although there are lots of body colors for the fish, the color of the Pomfret remains the same all the time.

How Others Call Pomfret Fish

Pomfrets have got more than four primary types in the world. But, the names it has got are more than those 04 types indeed. As a fish consumer and a person who has a taste regarding the flesh of fish, you should know that different nations know of Pomfret along with different names.

  • Denmark: Havbrasen
  • Germany: Brachsenmakrele
  • Spain: Castanola
  • Netherlands Braam
  • Italy: Castagnola
  • Hawaiian : Monchon
  • India :  Vavval
  • Sri Lanka: Vavvalaya


Types of Pomfret Fish

The classification of Pomfret fish has been committed according to two main things, where they live and the color of the bodies. There are main 04 types of pomfret fish in the world, Indian Pomfret, Silver Pomfret, Grey Pomfret, and the Black Pomfret.

  Indian Pomfret Black Pomfret Silver pomfret Grey Pomfret
Color of The Body White color Black color Silver texture on the upper part of the body Grey color
Maximum Body Length 28cm 30cm 33cm 28cm
Season January To March January To March October To December September To January
Available In Gujarat and Bengal Tamilnadu East Cost of India Arabian Sea
Availability in USA No Yes Yes No
Price $5 USD per Kg $5 USD per Kg $4 USD per Kg $4.5 USD per Kg
Market Demand 4/5 5/5 4.5/5 4/5

Indian Pomfret Fish

They are one of the most popular cuisines in India. The same reason has med them to classify as specific fish species under the Indian title. Gujart, Bengal, Mumbai, and Eastern coastal region of India are popular for having Pomfrets in shallow water. Due to the elevated demand, Indian farmers have been cultivating Indian Pomfrets in India. Since the demand is coming from all around the world, Pomfrets are cultivated for export purposes as well.  The usual price for an Indian Pomfret fish is about 400 India Rupees ($5). The same weight can be priced as $10 or more than that after the exportation.

Black Pomfret

As the most adapted fish Pomfret species, Black Pomfrets are crucial.  They can be found in almost all Pomfret available oceans such as Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific oceans. Due to the blackish body color, black Pomfrets are cooked fresh and served along with other foods.

Since there is not a specific odor, the price seems to have dropped when compared with other Pomfrets. Tail people have been using this fish in their menus when celebrations take place such as weddings and major festivals. The reduced-fat and increased amounts of nutrients have been the reason for that.

Silver Pomfret Fish

The silver Pomfret is considered to be the most common Pomfret in the world. It can be identified due to the silver color gradient on the upper part of the body.  India and Japan are the most common areas where silverfish can be caught. When coming to the other names, White Pomfret is another name for the fish due to the silver-washed away-looking skin on their bodies.

Pampus argenteus is the Scientific name they have got under Silver Pomfret types. The western coastal regions of India are popular for bearing Silver Pomfret fish from April to June months in the year.  Also, the fishing happens throughout the year as farmers are cultivation Silver Pomfrets White Pomfrets in their fish farms. The spawning period of the year is from October to December and the maturity happens from January to March which makes the fishermen busy catching the Silver Pomfrets for cultivating purposes. The increased body weight for a silver Pomfret is a constant thing. Although it is more than just 300-400g per fish, there are some silver Pomfrets that can weigh up to 1.6kg.

Grey Pomfret

Grey Pomfrets are not as common as Silver or black Pomfrets. They are mainly available in the Arabian sea.

The highest body weight is the main character along with grey body color. A typical Grey Pomfret grows up to 1.5kg and a fisherman will find a grey Pomfret with 2kg if he is lucky. The nutrition composition is also one of the main reasons to have an elevated price for Grey Pomfrets as researchers have found that they have more Omega 3 fatty acids than any Pomfret.



Pomfret fish has got several species under different atmospheres which makes them more adapted in the waters than any species. When coming to the true nature of the fish, Pomfrets love living in deep water where the food chain is maintained as almost second or less. Also,

there are some fish species that live in shallow water where they have got the rank as the number one in the food chain. These reasons have made lots of variations in flesh color, taste, behavior, nutrition, as well as demand.

Although the depth of the water is not a matter to decide their habitat, the temperature is one of the main concerns kept by Pomfrets. It means, they can’t bear the coldest environmental factors which have made them limited to the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans.

Japan Sea is considered to be the ultimate place from where the world fish market is made satisfied. Other than all these places, the Norwegian and Mediterranean seas have got potential to have Pomfrets. Pterycombus and Pteraclis types can be found in shores like shallow water whole Eumegistus can be found in deep water.

Behavior Of Pomfret Fish

Pomfrets love roaming as a group. This type of behavior is available for the fish species that live in deep water. Although they are not the toppest rankers in the food chain, they show carnivores’ behavior against small fish types. As a group, they seem strong for the same behavior. As a group, they are stronger than any fish in deep water. For example, Tuna like attacking fish don’t tend to come for Pomfrets even in their territories.

When it comes to shallow water, Pomfrets love spending their time as individuals. Since there are no enemies or rivals that are larger than Pomfrets in the shallow water, they act individually. Since there are lots of preys Pomfrets may depend on such as plankton, squid, crustaceans, shrimp, and other small fish types.

Although Pomfrets don’t act as groups, the number of fish in a certain area is increased inshore or shallow water due to their vast availability of them. Therefore, people find themselves engaged with Pomfrets in shallow water instead of other fish they love fishing. Although these are common situations in Asian countries, a fisherman will not find a Pomfret fish in the American sea so easily.


Nature has spread the resources differently. It is a common thing for the fish resources as well. An American or a European has got plenty of freshwater fish species. But he doesn’t have lots of saltwater fish items for his plates.

When it comes to the Asian, especially Indians, they have got lots of saltwater fish resources. Pomfret fish are one of those resources that can deliver a delicious and unique taste along with sufficient nutrients for a serve. Even if you are an Indian or American, Pomfret fish is a must consume fish for you.