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As an Islamic devotee, you might have the problem of “is octopus halal?” This article will explain more things about that.
According to Islamic teachings, According to the Hanafī, only Samak is permitted for consumption. Eth term Samak is for fish. Is it allowed to eat fish and other sea creatures? Are there any restrictions when eating prawns, crabs, and shrimps? is octopus halal? And many questions might be in your mind. This guide will help you with that.
What Are The Food Items That Have Been Allowed By Islam?
There are several seafood items that you can consume in addition to fish. Prawns, Crabs, Shrimps, Lobsters, and Oysters have been allowed by Islam due to the discoveries of Science. As you know, Science is Islam as it teaches the details in depth. Although the mentioned seafood types were considered to be fish in the past, they are different types of species that live in the ocean.
Is Octopus Halal?
Yes, you can eat octopus as it is Halal. Octopus is not a type of fish but it is still a species in the world that has been categorized as halal. It means you are allowed to consume octopus in any form. The discovery of the absence of blood cells was discovered in the last century. According to Islamic teachings, only fish and those who don’t have blood cells are allowed to eat.
More importantly, Crabs don’t belong to the typical fish family but an order that has relatives on land. Similar to, prawns, and crabs being allowed for consumption, you can consume octopus. Although you are confused with the Samak term, you don’t have to worry about that anymore.
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Is It Dangerous To Eat Octopus?
Of course not. Octopus is considered one of the most delicious and nutritious seafood types in the world. It contains vitamins and minerals. More importantly, it doesn’t contain fat which makes it a better choice for those who have happened to limit their favorite food due to fat. If you have gone through the problem if it is octopus halal, then you can have this delicious and medicinal level food.
What Is The Relevant Islamic Teaching That Allows The Islamic To Eat Shellfish?

If you wonder is octopus halal? Or can I eat shellfish? The best thing is to search and find the relevant teachings. According to Shafi’i, Maliki, and Hanbali branches of Islam, all seafood and shellfish items are allowed for consumption. Since Octopus, Prawns, and crabs are the best examples of shellfish, you can enjoy a plate full of seafood.
What fish are haram in Islam?
As you know all fish types and shellfish are allowed to eat. When it comes to seafood that is restricted by religion, fish without squamae are not allowed to eat. It means fish types like Torah and Talmud should not be cooked or eaten. Also, fish with dairy is restricted for Islamic devotees. Simply, Whales are not for your meal.
Is Crab Halal?
Of course, crab is halal. You can eat and do anything with Crabs. Although they are not a type of fish, they are a major predatory and scavenger-type species in the ocean. It means you can eat halal.
Is Mud Crab Halal Or Halal?
Similar to the question is octopus halal, this is not a big thing. If you are allowed to eat crabs, you don’t have to worry if they are clean or have a confusing name. Although they live in water or mud, you can eat mud crabs. The most important thing is that you must not miss delicious seafood due to its name.