Indian mackerel is the Most popular fish item in Sri Lanka Indian and is commonly found in the Indian Ocean and west pacific oceans. It is known by various names in various countries such as [Kumbalava ]in Sri Lanka, ‘Kaanankeluthi’ in Tamil.

This fish is seasonal fish and from October to January it will catch in the western sea area in sri lanka(ex- Chilaw, Puthhtlam) and from April to August it will catch the Eastern side in our Country. Fish is used mainly for food. It is marketed fresh, frozen, canned, and also made into dried-salted fish. And the fish price will be up and down to RS. 200-900 wholesale market in Sri Lanka
The mackerel group has many paths, and the Indian mackerel is one of the smallest of these. These fish have a unique taste, and many people enjoy this taste. These fish are also caught using fishing nets and fishing hooks, and as a large group, the world’s fish live in the shallows.
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