Do you know How Many Legs Does a Crab Have? Most people don’t know the answer to this question. It’s interesting to note that crabs have more legs than most animals.

In this blog post, we will discuss the anatomy of a crab and talk about why they have so many legs!

How Many Legs Does A Crab Have?

Crabs are exciting creatures and are known for having a hard shell and 10 legs. Crabs have 8 walking legs and 2 claws used for fighting, defense, and gathering food. 

The walking legs have a series of joints that allow the crab to move quickly and sideways, and the claws are incredibly strong – strong enough to lift to 40 times the crab’s body weight. Some crab species have different numbers of legs – for example, the Alaskan King Crab has only 6 legs. However, these unusual cases are relatively rare. For the most part, crabs stick to the tried-and-true formula of 10 legs.

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How Many Legs Does A Hermit Crab Have? 

Hermit crabs are fascinating creatures known for their asymmetrical abdomens and their tendency to live in shells. 


But how many legs do hermit crabs have? All hermit crab species have 10 legs.

The first pair of legs are modified for grasping and holding the hermit crab’s shell, while the remaining pairs are used for walking. Hermit crabs are also equipped with two large claws, which they use for defense and scavenging food. 

How Many Legs Does A King Crab Have? 

King crabs have 10 legs; however, they are often mistaken for having more legs because of their large size. 

Despite their name, king crabs are not true crabs but are more closely related to shrimp and lobsters. The king crab evolved from a land crab ancestor and is thought to have arrived in the oceans during the Mesozoic era. 

Today, king crabs are found in cold waters around the world and play an essential role in the marine ecosystem by scavenging dead animals and helping to recycle nutrients back into the food chain.

How Many Legs Does A Japanese Spider Have? 

The Japanese spider crab has 10 legs and is also one of the largest arthropods. They can live in any depth and temperature. 


Japanese spider crabs are a species of marine crab known for having the largest leg span of any arthropod. They get their name from their long, spider-like legs, which can span up to 3.8 meters.

Spider crabs are one of the world’s largest arthropods and can live in any depth under any temperature reduction. They have a life cycle of around 100 years.

How Many Legs Does A Blue Crab Have? 

Blue crabs are a popular seafood choice for their delicate, sweet meat.


But how many legs does this crustacean have? The Answer: 10. 

In addition to their ten legs, blue crabs can grow to about 9 inches across (from tip to tip) their hard shell. But size isn’t the only thing that sets these crabs apart. Blue crab is also low in carbohydrates with much smaller levels of saturated fat.

So, blue crabs are delicious, but they’re also a healthy option. When appropriately prepared, the white meat has a mild, salty ocean flavor with a subtle sweet undertone. Whether you’re steaming, boiling, or grilling, blue crab, is versatile seafood that will please any palate.

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Do all crabs have 10 legs?

Crabs are amongst the most common insects found on land. They have an average of 10 legs, with some exceptions being horseshoe crabs who only possess 8-legs and spiders associated outside of this group (Horsfield’s Greenia).

Decapods share centralized nervous systems and Biramous legs- all quality for success in water but not on land, where most of them reside. 

Crabs have segmented bodies covered by a tough exoskeleton; They also have a pair of giant claws. Even though horseshoe crabs are more primitive than true crabs, they were first given the name “crab” because of their physical similarity to other members in the order Decapoda. 

Horseshoe crabs first appeared 450 million years ago and are often called “living fossils” because their anatomy has changed very little. 

What Is The Purpose Of Crabs Having Different Types Of Legs?

Crabs have different types of legs for different purposes. 

The two front legs have claws, which are used for fighting and catching prey. The other eight legs are dedicated to walking, helping the crab move around its habitat. 

This design helps the crab to be successful in its environment, as it can both walk and grab prey quickly. The different legs also help the crab defend itself from predators and competitors. 

The crab can quickly escape danger or confront an adversary by having both claws and walking legs. In this way, the crab’s different types of legs serve an essential purpose in its survival.

Crabs are fascinating creatures, and there is still much to learn about them. While we may know that almost all crabs have 10 legs, they use those legs for different purposes. The next time you see a crab, take a closer look at its legs and see if you can spot the differences. 

And if you want to learn more about these fantastic creatures, be sure to check out our other blog posts on crabs! What’s your favorite thing about crabs? Let us know in the comments below.

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