Fish Name With Sinhala & Engish & Scientific Fish Name With Group

                      Here you can see the Fish Name With  Group (categories) and the scientific Fish name of the bag and the Sinhalese names associated with it. These Sinhalese Fish names may vary from place to place, but are generally the correct name. For this we obtained data from Sri Lankan markets and fishing ports. Also obtained information from NARA for English names.
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Fish Name

Fish Group

English Name

Scientific Fish Name

TrevallyBlue Fin TrevallyCaranx melampygusNIL PARAWA
 Giant TrevallyCaranx ignobilisATANAGUL PARAWA
 Indian Treadfin TrevallyAlectis indicaKANNADI PARAWA
 Yellow Spotted TrevallyCarangoides fulvoguttatusTHUMBA PARAWA
WAHOO & MACKERELNarrow Barred Spanish MackerelScomberomorus commersoniThora
Streaked Seer FishScomberomorus lineolatusALU THORA
WahooAcanthocybium commersoniSAVARA
TUNABig eye tunaThunnus abesusESGEDI KELAWALLA/KEN DA
Bullet tunaAuxis rocheiRAGODU/KOMBA YA
Dog Tooth TunaGymnosarda unicolorTHORA BALAYA
Frigate tunaAuxis thazardALAGODUWA
KawakawaEuthynnus affinisATTAWALLA
Skipjack tunaKatsuwonus pelamisBALAYA
Yellow fin tunaThunnus albacaresKELAWALLA
BARRACUDAGreater BarracudaSphyraena barracudaJEELAVA
Pick Handle BarracudaSphyraena jelloSILAVA
QUEENFISHBarred QueenfishScomberoides talaHAN KATTAVA
Double Spotted QueenfishScomberoides lysanNIL KATTAVA
COBIACobiaRachycentron canadumMUDHILA
DOLPHIN FISHMahi MahiCoryphaena hippurusGAL VANNAVA
GROUPERSBlack Saddled Coral GrouperPlectropomus Laevis 
Malabar GrouperEpinephelus malabaricusGAL KOSSA
 Wavy Lined GrouperEpinephelus undulosusLAWAYA
SNAPPERS AND EMPERORSMangrove Red SnapperLutjanus argentimaculatusTHAMBALAYA
Longface EmperorLethrinus olivaceusURU HOTA
Spangled EmperorLethrinus nebulosusATISSA
BARRAMUNDIBarramundiLates calcariferMODHA
SHARKSMackerel sharkIsurus sp.MEE MORA
Thresher sharkAlopias sp.KASA MORA
Requiem sharks‐silky sharkCarcharhinus FalciformisHONDA MORA/BALA MAORA
Ocean white strip sharkCarcharhinus LongimanusPOLKOLA MORA
Blue sharkPrionace gluacaSEENI
Hammerhead sharkSphyrna sp.UDALU MORA
SKATESBatoid Fisher‐
shovelnose ray
Rhinobatos sp.BALOLIYA
 Sting rayDasyatis sp.WELLI MADUWA
 Spotted eagle rayAetobatus narinariVAVOI MADUWA
 Javanees cownose raysRhinoptera javanicaVALUVADI COWNOSE RAY
 NumbfishersNarcine sp.ELECTRIC RAY
Manta and devil raysMobula sp.ALI MADUWA AND ANGA MADUWA
SARDINES ECTTrenched sardinellaAmblygaster sirmHURULLA
Bleeker’s smooth bellyAmblygaster clupeoidesGAL HURULLA
Smoothbelly SardinellsAmblygaster clupeoidesKEERAMIN
Rainbow sardineDussumieria acutaTHONDAYA
White sardineEscualosa thoracataWELLA SUDAYA
ShadNematalosa nasusKOIYA
Goldstripe sardinellaSardinella gibbosaKALAWENNA/SAL AYA
White sardinellaSardinella albellaSUDAYA
Bigeye scadeSelar
Indian mackerelRastrelliger kanagurtaKUMBALA
 AnchovyStolephorus sp.HALMESSA
Ribbon fishLepturacanthus savalaaSAVALAYA
Gar fisherBelonidaeHABARALI
ThryssaThryssa sp.LAGGA
SilverbiddiesGerres sp.THIRALI
Pony fishLeiognathus sp.KARALLA
Half beaksHemiramphus sp.MORALLA
Flying fishCheilopogon sp.PIYAMESSA
PRAWNSGiant river prawnMacrobrachium rosenbergiiKARADU ISSA
Indian white shrimpPenaeus indicusKIRI ISSA
Giant tiger prawnPenaeus monodonKARAWANDU ISSA
Green tiger prawnsPenaeus semesulsctusKURUTU ISSA
LOBSTERScalloped spiny lobsterPanulirus homorusWELI ISSA
Ornate spiny lobsterPanulirus ornatusDEVI ISSA
Pronghorn spiny lobsterPanulirus penicillatusGAL ISSA
 Painted spiny lobsterPanulirus versicolorBATHIK
Slipper lobsterPanulirus polyphagusMADA ISSA
SQUIDSSquidLoligo singhalensisBOTHAL DELLA
Cuttle fishSepia aculeataPOTHU DELLA
OctopusOctopus sp.BUWALLA
CRABSFlower CrabPortunus pelagicusSEENAKALI
Mud CrabScylla serrataKALAPU KAKULUWA
Blue Swimming CrabPortunus spp.MUDU KAKULUWA
SEA CUCUMBERSandfishHolothuria scabraHAM ATTAYA
Black Sea CucumberHolothuria nobilisPOLON ATTAYA
Brown SandfishBohadschia marmorataNUL ATTAYA
BlackfishActinopygs miliarisKALU ATTAYA
Edible Sea CucumberHolothuria edulisRATHU ATTAYA
 Blue MarlinMakaira nigricansNIL KOPPARA
 Black MarlinIstiompax indicaKALU KOPPARA
 Striped MarlinKajikia audaxERI KOPPARA
 SailfishIstiophorus platypterusTHALAPATH
 Sword FishXiphias gladiusSAPPARA
 African PompanoAlectis ciliarisKENDHI PARAVA