The experience is a thing that you can not get in a night. But, the candlewood lake fishing camp ensures you and your little ones to be experienced in many ways.

The Candlewood Lake fishing camp is one of the night camping experiences an American family may get. More accurately, the candlewood lake camp allows young anglers to find new dimensions in their scope. Even if the young ones are not interested in water-related activities, the other activities for outdoor enthusiasts will keep your young ones addicted all the time. 

The entire premises has spread across 100 acres along with the highest biodiversity of trees as well as animals. The place is located in a quiet place where anyone can have a quiet time. Along with the increased infrastructure, improved style, and the highest number of outdoor activities, the place has been turned into an embracing place for younger ones.


This place has got its name from candlewood lake where the majority of activities are based.  The lake is concerned as one of the best freshwater lakes in the US for angling as well. According to stats, it is among the top 15 lakes for bass fishing too. When it comes to the main activities that are available for kids, all of them are based on fishing.

The smallmouth and largemouth bass are the main concerns of the organizers. There are tournaments, knowledge-based activities, and entertainment-based segments for kids. The place consists of more than 50 comfortable cabins where the campers get to sleep and rest. They will bring an awesome experience for the participants for sure.

Campers will be given education about the techniques of angling, special tips, motivational facts, and the art of fishing.

What kinds of fish can be caught in Candlewood

  • Black Crappie
  • Bullheads
  • Sunfish
  • Common Carp
  • Bass 
  • Trout
  • White Catfish
  • Walleye

More Things From Candlewood Lake Fishing Camp

When a camper leaves the place, he/she will have got the knowledge about the top waters, spinnerbaits, plastics, pitching a flipping grass, live bait, drop shotting, dock fishing, and more techniques that can be useful for angling and fishing. Other than that, they will have been aware of the freshwater fish types in the United States along with the behavioral characteristics.

Candlewood Lake offers other activities as well

The theoretical knowledge is not going to be available for fishing but more things such as

  • fishing & Fish Camping 
  • night fishing
  • swimming
  • tubing
  • hiking
  • Water Sports

The overall experiences to have gained from the Candlewood Lake fishing camp will be beneficial for the social as well as mental behavior of the participants.


 Does Candlewood Lake have public access?

Boaters can launch their boats at Latins Cove in Danbury and at Squantz Pond in New Fairfield on Candlewood Lake. Candlewood Lake has five town beaches that are available for town residents with passes, as well as non-residents with passes. In Danbury, beach passes are available from the beach gate, and in the other towns from the Park and Recreation divisions.

What is the depth of Candlewood Lake & how big is it?

Candlewood Lake averages 40 feet deep but can reach a depth of 90 feet at its deepest points. The lake covers 5.420 acres over an area of 8.4 square miles. The island is 11 miles long, 2 miles wide, and has a shoreline of 60 miles.

What size boats are allowed on Candlewood Lake?

Unless authorized by the state DEEP, Candlewood Lake is restricted to oversized boats under 26′. Historically, oversized boats have been allowed to operate on Candlewood Lake. DEEP will issue authorization decals for life to boat owners who intend to continue using their boats on Candlewood Lake. The decals will remain with the boat, no matter who owns it. Marine dealers with oversized boats on hand or in the pipeline within one of the five communities around Candlewood Lake can apply for authorization decals for the boats. These regulations do not apply to commercial or governmental boats.

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