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The Fascinating Reason Why Crabs Walk Sideways

Why Crabs Walk Sideways

Why Crabs Walk Sideways

Do you ever wonder why crabs walk sideways? It’s actually a very clever strategy. If you were to walk crab-style, you would be able to move much faster and evade predators more easily.

But why did evolution choose this method of locomotion for these creatures? Turns out, there is a very fascinating reason why crabs walk sideways!

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Why Do Crabs Walk Sideways?

Crabs are remarkable creatures for several reasons, one of which is how they walk. Crabs have stiff, jointed legs attached to their bodies at an angle, allowing them to move more easily sideways than forwards or backward.

In addition, crabs use their large claws to help them move effectively sideways. The sideways movement helps crabs to avoid predators and escape from danger.

Sideways walking also allows crabs to move more efficiently through their environment, as they can cover a greater distance with each step.

Do All Crabs Move Sideways?

All crabs are not created equal – some can move forward faster than they can sideways. The reason for this has to do with their body shape.

Those crabs that are longer than they are wide can cover more ground when moving forward, making it easier to escape predators or catch prey. Additionally, this body shape allows them to navigate tight spaces more efficiently. While most crab species move sideways, some are better equipped to move in a straight line.


Can Crabs Walk Straight?

Crab movement is often described as ‘sideways’ because if you were to look at a crab from above, that’s the way it would appear to be moving. However, crabs walk forward by moving their legs alternately on each side of their body.

If you watch a crab closely, you’ll notice that its legs are attached to the sides of its body. Unlike our knees, which bend forwards, a crab’s joints bend towards the sides, making it much easier for them to move sideways.

Nevertheless, by moving its legs alternately on each side of its body, a crab can walk forwards, but it’s not very energy efficient for them.

Are Crabs The Only Animals Who Walk Sideways?

The crab is not the only animal that can walk sideways. Several other animals, including the sidewinder rattlesnake, the dragonfly, and the hummingbird, can also move in this way.

Each of these animals has adapted to its environment differently, but all can take advantage of the sideways movement to better navigate their surroundings.


Hummingbirds are able to fly in any direction, including sideways, due to the way their wings flap. This allows them to hover, change direction quickly, and even fly backward. Hummingbirds are incredibly agile flyers, thanks to their sideways-facing wings. 

Hummingbirds can generate lift and thrust in all directions by flapping their wings in a figure-eight pattern. This allows them to hover in place, change directions quickly, and even fly backward. 

Dragon fly

Dragonflies are remarkable creatures, capable of flying in any direction and even hovering in a single spot. Their unique aerial agility is due to their ingenious wing design, which allows them to move their wings independently of each other.

This means that dragonflies can fly forwards, backward, and even sideways, giving them a major advantage over their prey. Not only can dragonflies fly with great speed and precision, but they can also hover effortlessly in mid-air.

Sidewinder rattlesnake

Some animals use sideways locomotion, including the sidewinder rattlesnake. Sidewinders move by looping their bodies in an S-shaped curve, allowing them to travel quickly while keeping their entire body from touching the hot sand simultaneously.

These animals have adapted their movement methods to suit their environment and needs. While sideways locomotion may seem strange to us, it is a natural form of movement for these animals.

Can Crabs Turn, And How Do They Do It?

Crabs can turn by using a combination of their legs and claws. By gripping the ground with their legs, crabs can rotate their bodies. Additionally, crabs use their large claws to help them change direction. While crabs are not the fastest animals on land, they can navigate through dense vegetation and tight spaces.

Is It True That Crabs Can See Sideways?

It is a common misconception that crabs can only see sideways. In reality, crabs have eyes on either side of their head, which gives them a wide range of vision. However, this does not mean that crabs have excellent vision.

In fact, crabs have relatively poor eyesight and can only see clearly for a short distance. This is why they often rely on their sense of touch to navigate their surroundings.

So, while it is true that crabs have a sideways field of vision, this does not mean they are blind to what is happening behind them.

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Can crabs only move sideways?

No, crabs can also move forwards and backward. They move sideways the most because their legs are designed for that movement.

Do all crabs walk sideways?

While most crabs walk sideways, some crab species walk forwards or backward.

Can crabs walk straight?

Yes, crabs can walk straight. They can do this because they have several sensors on their feet that help them maintain their balance.

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