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Fish Name With Sinhala & Engish & Scientific Fish Name With Group
Here you can see the Fish Name With Group (categories) and the scientific Fish name of the bag and the Sinhalese names associated with it. These Sinhalese Fish names may vary from place to place, but are generally the correct name. For this we obtained data from Sri Lankan markets and fishing ports. Also obtained information from NARA for English names. If there is a mistake in this name, please leave a comment on this page. He also helps improve this information
Fish Group |
English Name |
Scientific Fish Name | |
Trevally | Blue Fin Trevally | Caranx melampygus | NIL PARAWA |
Giant Trevally | Caranx ignobilis | ATANAGUL PARAWA | |
Indian Treadfin Trevally | Alectis indica | KANNADI PARAWA | |
Yellow Spotted Trevally | Carangoides fulvoguttatus | THUMBA PARAWA | |
WAHOO & MACKEREL | Narrow Barred Spanish Mackerel | Scomberomorus commersoni | Thora |
Streaked Seer Fish | Scomberomorus lineolatus | ALU THORA | |
Wahoo | Acanthocybium commersoni | SAVARA | |
TUNA | Big eye tuna | Thunnus abesus | ESGEDI KELAWALLA/KEN DA |
Bullet tuna | Auxis rochei | RAGODU/KOMBA YA | |
Dog Tooth Tuna | Gymnosarda unicolor | THORA BALAYA | |
Frigate tuna | Auxis thazard | ALAGODUWA | |
Kawakawa | Euthynnus affinis | ATTAWALLA | |
Skipjack tuna | Katsuwonus pelamis | BALAYA | |
Yellow fin tuna | Thunnus albacares | KELAWALLA | |
BARRACUDA | Greater Barracuda | Sphyraena barracuda | JEELAVA |
Pick Handle Barracuda | Sphyraena jello | SILAVA | |
QUEENFISH | Barred Queenfish | Scomberoides tala | HAN KATTAVA |
Double Spotted Queenfish | Scomberoides lysan | NIL KATTAVA | |
COBIA | Cobia | Rachycentron canadum | MUDHILA |
DOLPHIN FISH | Mahi Mahi | Coryphaena hippurus | GAL VANNAVA |
GROUPERS | Black Saddled Coral Grouper | Plectropomus Laevis | |
Malabar Grouper | Epinephelus malabaricus | GAL KOSSA | |
Wavy Lined Grouper | Epinephelus undulosus | LAWAYA | |
SNAPPERS AND EMPERORS | Mangrove Red Snapper | Lutjanus argentimaculatus | THAMBALAYA |
Longface Emperor | Lethrinus olivaceus | URU HOTA | |
Spangled Emperor | Lethrinus nebulosus | ATISSA | |
BARRAMUNDI | Barramundi | Lates calcarifer | MODHA |
SHARKS | Mackerel shark | Isurus sp. | MEE MORA |
Thresher shark | Alopias sp. | KASA MORA | |
Requiem sharks‐silky shark | Carcharhinus Falciformis | HONDA MORA/BALA MAORA | |
Ocean white strip shark | Carcharhinus Longimanus | POLKOLA MORA | |
Blue shark | Prionace gluaca | SEENI MORA/HUDJA MORA | |
Hammerhead shark | Sphyrna sp. | UDALU MORA | |
SKATES | Batoid Fisher‐ shovelnose ray | Rhinobatos sp. | BALOLIYA |
Sting ray | Dasyatis sp. | WELLI MADUWA | |
Spotted eagle ray | Aetobatus narinari | VAVOI MADUWA | |
Javanees cownose rays | Rhinoptera javanica | VALUVADI COWNOSE RAY | |
Numbfishers | Narcine sp. | ELECTRIC RAY | |
Manta and devil rays | Mobula sp. | ALI MADUWA AND ANGA MADUWA | |
SARDINES ECT | Trenched sardinella | Amblygaster sirm | HURULLA |
Bleeker’s smooth belly | Amblygaster clupeoides | GAL HURULLA | |
Smoothbelly Sardinells | Amblygaster clupeoides | KEERAMIN | |
Rainbow sardine | Dussumieria acuta | THONDAYA | |
White sardine | Escualosa thoracata | WELLA SUDAYA | |
Shad | Nematalosa nasus | KOIYA | |
Goldstripe sardinella | Sardinella gibbosa | KALAWENNA/SAL AYA | |
White sardinella | Sardinella albella | SUDAYA | |
Bigeye scade | Selar crumenophtthalamus | BOLLA | |
Indian mackerel | Rastrelliger kanagurta | KUMBALA | |
Anchovy | Stolephorus sp. | HALMESSA | |
Ribbon fish | Lepturacanthus savalaa | SAVALAYA | |
Gar fisher | Belonidae | HABARALI | |
Thryssa | Thryssa sp. | LAGGA | |
Silverbiddies | Gerres sp. | THIRALI | |
Pony fish | Leiognathus sp. | KARALLA | |
Half beaks | Hemiramphus sp. | MORALLA | |
Flying fish | Cheilopogon sp. | PIYAMESSA | |
PRAWNS | Giant river prawn | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | KARADU ISSA |
Indian white shrimp | Penaeus indicus | KIRI ISSA | |
Giant tiger prawn | Penaeus monodon | KARAWANDU ISSA | |
Green tiger prawns | Penaeus semesulsctus | KURUTU ISSA | |
LOBSTER | Scalloped spiny lobster | Panulirus homorus | WELI ISSA |
Ornate spiny lobster | Panulirus ornatus | DEVI ISSA | |
Pronghorn spiny lobster | Panulirus penicillatus | GAL ISSA | |
Painted spiny lobster | Panulirus versicolor | BATHIK ISSA/RAGA ISSA | |
Slipper lobster | Panulirus polyphagus | MADA ISSA | |
SQUIDS | Squid | Loligo singhalensis | BOTHAL DELLA |
Cuttle fish | Sepia aculeata | POTHU DELLA | |
Octopus | Octopus sp. | BUWALLA | |
CRABS | Flower Crab | Portunus pelagicus | SEENAKALI |
Mud Crab | Scylla serrata | KALAPU KAKULUWA | |
Blue Swimming Crab | Portunus spp. | MUDU KAKULUWA | |
SEA CUCUMBER | Sandfish | Holothuria scabra | HAM ATTAYA |
Black Sea Cucumber | Holothuria nobilis | POLON ATTAYA | |
Brown Sandfish | Bohadschia marmorata | NUL ATTAYA | |
Blackfish | Actinopygs miliaris | KALU ATTAYA | |
Edible Sea Cucumber | Holothuria edulis | RATHU ATTAYA | |
Blue Marlin | Makaira nigricans | NIL KOPPARA | |
Black Marlin | Istiompax indica | KALU KOPPARA | |
Striped Marlin | Kajikia audax | ERI KOPPARA | |
Sailfish | Istiophorus platypterus | THALAPATH | |
Sword Fish | Xiphias gladius | SAPPARA | |
African Pompano | Alectis ciliaris | KENDHI PARAVA | |